简介:【摘要】目的:药物联合308nm(SS-16L)紫外线治疗白癜风疗效观察。 方法:选取200例患者均为我院门诊确诊的白癜风患者,临床符合白癜风的诊断标准,资料完整。所有患者均口服中药并(或)配合针剂治疗。治疗6个月后进行评价及统计学分析。 结果:治疗6个月后,各种类型皮损的治疗中又以节段型,局限型及散发型效果较好,总有效率达到100%,97.5%及96.8%,肢端型次之,总有效率达到88.2%,泛发型有效率为62.5%。 结论:药物联合308nm(SS-16L)准分子激光治疗白癜风可以达到协同促进作用,加快黑素细胞的生长,促进白斑复色,缩短病程,提高临床疗效。
简介:AbstractObjective:The prevalence of midline birth defects, such as gastroschisis, has increased worldwide, over the last few decades. This study aims to explore the prevalence, maternal epidemiological characteristics, and natural history of neonates affected by gastroschisis at the University Hospital of León city, Nicaragua.Methods:Data were collected from the birth defect surveillance system of the Hospital Oscar Danilo Rosales (HEODRA). The analysis included all pregnancies that had gastroschisis complications between January 1 and December 31, 2020. The prevalence of gastroschisis was calculated according to maternal age. The mothers were interviewed, and the clinical records of the newborns were reviewed.Results:Among the 4,460 deliveries included in this study, four cases of gastroschisis were identified, including three live births and one stillbirth. The gastroschisis rate was 8.9 per 10,000 live births (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.18-17.8). The prevalence among mothers younger than 20 years and those older than 20 years was 26.4 (95% CI: -3.43 to 56.25) and 3.01 (95% CI: 2.89-8.90)/10,000 births, respectively. Mothers of gastroschisis-affected fetuses were of rural origin (n = 3), had normal body mass indexes (n = 3), were exposed to tobacco and wood smoke (n = 2), and one was exposed to pesticides during the periconceptional period. Primary closure of the gastroschisis was performed on one patient, and complex gastroschisis for intestinal perforation was observed in another patient. The mean hospitalization duration was 33 days, and two patients were discharged alive.Conclusions:Gastroschisis was a significant birth defect among children delivered at HEODRA in 2020. Its prevalence in Nicaragua was higher than that in other countries in the region. All complicated pregnancies were young women with unplanned pregnancies, from rural areas, with exposure to secondhand smoke, and without vitamin supplements before or during the first trimester of pregnancy. Only 67% of infants survived after hospital discharge.