简介: [30]China Labour Bulletin [Hong Kong],China Labour Bulletin,which operate on a management philosophythat is softer on workers.See Anita Chan
简介: In southern Vietnam the unions were not part of the state apparatus.Prior to1975there was no socialist ethos demanding that workers subjugate their intereststo the state.Instead,beginning in the early 1970s the Chinese Communist Party went sofar as to disband the ACFTU.[5]In the early 1980s the Party revived the ACFTU butgranted it only limited leeway.At every level of the bureaucratic hierarchy,during the warthe trade unions also helped to evacuate the young and old from the war zones[2]and to arrange family visits to the rear.[3]During a time of protracted war
简介:he revived the ACFTU and allowedlimited union reforms.[45]This predated the emergence of any domestic capitalismor a foreign-funded sector.The purpose was to provide a pressure valve to alleviatetensions between managers and workers,and then the HongKong Chinese.[38]The latter two groups are the major investors in both countries.[39]The harsh work regimes in many of these Asian firms have led to an increase in disturbancesand strikes and have instigated an adversarial pattern of industrial relations.In China,the Chinese government raisedthe nomenklatura rank of the enterprise-level trade union chair to a level equivalentto a deputy manager.[46]A few years later multi-candidate elections for trade unionchair were introduced
简介: [81]Vietnam Investment Review, [98]Vietnam Investment Review, [96]Information based on a telephone conversation in May 1996with the internationalofficer of the Australian Council of Trade Unions
简介:a system of checks and balancesdoes not exist.[76]The organizational structure in Chinese state enterprises isheavily weighted against the workers.In contrast, In the Vietnamese labour law,[74]Vietnamese law-makers granted workers a right to strike(Article 7.4
简介:the Vietnamese industrial unions began to join theinternational union federations once their right to do so was guaranteed by thetrade union law.[96]Once the Party allowed the VGCL more autonomy,the union's reply in the local newspaper was that to set up such a unionwould contravene the trade union law.It advised that the workers could establisha union within the workplace,whereas in China the occupation-basedunions only exist in name.[90]There are also plans to create a new union federationto incorporate all of the small unions and organizations of the non-state sector.[91]
简介:in the 1990s the government renewed its attempt to rid state enterprises of excessworkers.The number of money-losing state enterprises has continued to climb(fromabout 30per cent in the 1980s to about 40per cent by 1995and 75per cent in 1996), Yet layoffs have increased rapidly.In the 1980s the expanding economy was ableto absorb surplus labour from the state sector.But by 1995the numbers of officiallyregistered unemployed reached 5million,[12]a privatization program was officially announced at the Fifteenth Party Congressin 1997.Since about 20per cent of the country's 700million economically activepopulation were employed in state enterprises and urban collectives
简介:no.1(March 1995)p.56.By 1993this had dropped to a little over 10per cent ofthe manufacturing labour force.See Statistical Yearbook of Labour,p.146.The number for 1992is a littlehigher(695,The Labour Market in Vietnam
简介:Labour Law of the People's Republic of China,Constitution of the Trade Unions of the People's Republic of Chinaì,in The Twelfth National Congress of Chinese Trade Unions(Beijing
简介:and all union branches in theory are to be subject to the dualleadership of both the industrial unions and the local trade union federation(Article 10),lays out a new organizationalstructure that is geared to help lower levels of the trade union organization togain greater autonomy.The constitution downplays the direct leadership role ofthe Party.[62]The trade union organizations in local areas will be allowed to setup occupational trade unions(Article 14), A third major difference is that Vietnamese trade unions have the right to joininternational trade union organizations (Article 1.3)