简介:factual information and sometimes shows a photos or an illustration of the product/service to give the target audience a better view about the advertised product.Persuasive advertisements are thus the instruments used by advertisers "who have defined their target audiences and determined the effect they hope to achieve through persuasive advertisements in the media" (Bolen 9). And a persuasive advertisement should try to persuade the potential customers to buy the new product. (Bolen 6) The persuasive function is not only limited to attracting the potential customer into buying a certain object,a piece of rock or a poem. The label of the English language is in fact a complex of many different 'varieties' of language in use in all kinds of situations in many parts of the world. Naturally,this communication process has a definite purpose to convince the target audience. The above three characteristics suggest advertising is closely connected with the society
简介:a study on the linguistic features of advertising English will have practical effects on the composing and translating work of the copywriters.The whole paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter traces back the origin of advertising and a brief introduction on the classifications,rhetoric and ends with the linguistic features analyzed in the field of discourse analysis.The fourth chapter combines the viewpoints from the previous chapter third and explores the effect of the advertising English as a whole advertising process. The last chapter,but also gradually has become a must for social communication which in turn influences the development of society and economy. The purpose of this paper is to study the linguistic features and sociological features of advertising English